"Influenced or Influential?"
Sunday Morning Service 07/21/24-
Senior Pastor Terry Fischer

“We are called and we are expected to influence them, not them influence us.” Terry Fischer
Pastor Terry explores the concept of being influenced versus being influential, drawing on biblical examples like Joash, King David, and Absalom to illustrate both positive and negative influences. Pastor emphasizes that Christians are called to be influential through the Holy Spirit, described as “the light of the world” and “lampstands” in scripture. He warns that people are always watching Christians, making their actions and words significant. The sermon contrasts those easily influenced, who may read the Bible but don’t fully embrace it and look to worldly standards, with those who are influential, who fully believe the Bible and focus on Jesus as their standard. Pastor Terry stresses that being influential is an effective evangelistic tool and highlights the importance of influencing children in godly ways. He concludes by calling Christians to be aware of their influence and use it for God’s glory, serving as a steadfast, godly influence in a confused world.