I witness thee

I witness thee Ladies get so mad because the Scheduler made a mistake in the schedule where this one Resident Assistant had work in my shift in my floor and to see them three get so Angry at the scheduleer.
I stood my ground because this Resident Assistant don’t really care for the residents..Any ways I stood up for my resident.When you think about it,Keep me and the residents I care for in prayers.These Residents assistance are not nice when it comes to Careing for the elderly.
Thank you

2 thoughts on “I witness thee”

  1. Church,Jobs in healthcare really is not safe in more,But I know who has his hands in me.Its the Residents and other employees Like the scheduler suffer for it.

  2. Church,Jobs in healthcare really is not safe in more,But I know who has his hands in me.Its the Residents and other employees Like the scheduler suffer for it.

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