Kids On A Mission
Children are not just the future of Christian faith; they are its living embodiment today, carrying the light of God’s love into tomorrow’s world.

Our Mission
To disciple the next generation in the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they know him and make him known
History Of Kid's on a Mission
Welcome to Kids On A Mission, the Children’s Ministry at The Church In Wisconsin. I’d like to introduce myself, I’m Apryl the Director of Kids On A Mission. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband since 2003, in 2005 our daughter was born and in 2012 we welcomed our son. Homeschooling was something the Lord put on my heart when my daughter was very young and while I never had a desire of my own I knew I needed to obey the Lord. So both of my kids are homeschooled and my daughter graduated in 2023.
I have my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education and while I don’t use it the way I envisioned when I was in school I definitely use it; the Lord knew and had different plans. We started going to The Church In Wisconsin in November of 2005 and a couple years later I started a Christmas program with the 5 kids that went to the church at that time.
As the church grew, so did the number of kids and I adapted to meet the needs. Now we have over 60 kids in the children’s ministry!
We offer Wednesday night classes for ages 3-11 years old, we minister to the residents at the nursing home behind us 2 times a month, do missions fundraisers a couple times a year, make shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, Sing Christmas Carols door to door for our neighbors, and still all these years later sing on Christmas Eve.
While I have been involved with kids since 2005 it was around 2021 that the Lord laid a heavy desire and burden for this ministry on my heart. That desire is for these precious children to know, like really know God and how loved they are by him and then to share that love with those around them.
This desire was birthed out of a fresh revelation of that love in my own life. Growing up in the church I learned God loved me and I knew it in my head but it wasn’t until I met Jesus at the altar in 2021 that it became so real.
These children don’t have to go to church their entire lives and be in their late 30’s to know God this way; they can know him and his love right now. They can have a revelation and relationship with him now. That is what this ministry is about discipling the next generation and give them Jesus!