The 2:13 Devotional

By: Elder Joe Kaye

For God, the Universe was an Afterthought

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16
Knowing how great God is, His ability to make the Sun, Moon and stars doesn’t strike me as remarkable. What is amazing to me about this verse is that it mentions the creation of stars and galaxies almost as an afterthought. Such is the power of God to create and name them (Ps 147:4) in an instant of time.
That same power is available to enable me to live for Jesus and serve Him today.
Too often we look at tasks in the light of our own strength. It is thus easy to become discouraged. But if we, with the eyes of faith, look at them in the light of God’s ability, everything becomes possible.
Let us then cry along with the man, “Help Thou mine unbelief,” and fix our eyes and our imaginations upon the power of the God Who loves us.
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