Men's Bible Study
Strengthening Faith, Building Brotherhood
Brothers in Christ
As men of our congregation and as part of the body of Christ as a whole, we’ve been given the
calling to lead. This is a great blessing, but also a tremendous responsibility.
Often, in the trials and struggles of life, men fall into a thought process that they need, by their own strength and willpower, to muscle through, to pull up their bootstraps, to simply soldier on.
Sometimes, they just give up the fight altogether. Both of these mindsets are wrong and potentially deadly to the spiritual life of the man.
God has made the born again believer a member of a body, not an individual. As men of Christ, we are expected to bear one another’s burdens. Some guys are champions at serving others, but horrible at asking for help or being served by others. Jesus told his disciples that unless they let Him wash their feet, they would have no place with Him. We must learn to both serve and be served. This isn’t unmanly. On the contrary, to be vulnerable to your brothers, to confess your struggles and weaknesses, to accept help, puts you in precisely the right place to trust in the grace and strength of the Lord, to be the man God has created you to be.

Please, brother in Christ, join us for the preaching and teaching of the Word, for prayer and worship, for our men’s fellowships and Bible studies. Join us, not only to receive what the Lord would give you through the rest of the body, but also so that the rest of the body might receive what the Lord would give through you!