The 2:13 Devotional

By: Elder Joe Kaye

Joy Becomes Strength

“… the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10
How does joy become strength?
Joy is an inner sense of well being. In a way it’s like the framework of a house. If a person is consumed by fear, worry, or sadness, they themselves will probably tell you that it saps their strength (see Prov 17:22).
But we have a “good report” (Prov15:30) that gives us inner strength. We have the assurance that God loves us dearly, is for us, and will one day take us home to Himself. The fear of the unknown is eliminated. Pondering these truths, we gain a skip to our step.
The joy of knowing God is indeed a source of strength for the journey, for we know that the path ahead has been lit and paved by our loving Savior.
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