“A Time For Every Purpose”
Sunday Morning Service 09/15/2024-Senior Pastor Terry Fischer
“Every life event has a divine purpose, and while we may not control the seasons we face, God’s timing is always perfect.” Pastor Terry Fischer
The sermon on Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 highlighted the profound truth that every season of life has a purpose under God’s design, emphasizing the balance of life’s paradoxes in Christian living. The pastor explained that while life’s events may seem unpredictable and beyond human control, God’s timing is always perfect. He reflected on the futility of pursuing worldly ambitions apart from God, as Solomon observed, and underscored that true fulfillment is found only in Christ. Christians are called to be born again while simultaneously dying to their old nature, planting seeds of faith in others and nurturing spiritual growth through discipleship. The strength of the church lies in relationships that extend beyond weekly gatherings, as love and unity among believers provide a strong testimony to the world. At times, Christians must embrace discipline and restoration while also waging spiritual warfare through prayer, obedience, and evangelism. At the heart of this journey is the call to love God and others while hating sin and clinging to truth. Ultimately, the pastor encouraged the congregation to trust God’s timing, live intentionally for His glory, and find peace and purpose through a relationship with Christ.