“Jesus in the Book of Leviticus: The Tabernacle”
Wednesday Evening Bible Study Service 08/28/2024-Associate Pastor Tyler Bessa

“The trouble you’re facing, the tribulation you’re in, the trial you’re going through, God hasn’t just led you there and left you there. He is gonna not only lead you through it, but he’s gonna be your rear guard. He’s gonna protect you. You are surrounded by God.” Pastor Tyler Bessa
This sermon focuses on the symbolism of the tabernacle in relation to Christians and Christ. The pastor discusses how the tabernacle’s coverings represent different aspects of the Christian life, with the innermost layer symbolizing the beauty of Christ within believers. He emphasizes that Christians are pilgrims in this world, following God’s leading like the Israelites followed the pillar of cloud and fire. The sermon also explores how Christ is represented as the tabernacle itself, the door to the tabernacle, and the sacrifice offered within it. The pastor stresses that salvation, access to God, and the ability to live a righteous life all come through Christ alone. He addresses the topic of persecution, noting that Christians should be prepared to face opposition for their faith. Throughout the sermon, there’s an emphasis on studying the Old Testament, particularly Leviticus, to gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s role and sacrifice.