A Devotional by Pastor Terry Fischer
Eye Salve is a short devotional that Pastor Terry Fischer writes to challenge and encourage the saints of God. It is meant to be short and sweet and comes from his daily reading and prayer.

Eyesalve: Are You Departing (#4)

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

Only those who are born again through faith can depart from faith. We believers are warned, that in these last days, there will be Christians who will depart from faith in God. There is not one of us reading this that is beyond falling away. May I encourage you all to strengthen your walk in the Lord? Following are signs that may indicate you are in the process of departing from the faith or already have. Number 4

If the bible has lost its luster. If it is just a book of commandments, restrictions or just a text book to study.

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