The 2:13 Devotional

By: Elder Joe Kaye

Introduction to the 2:13 Devotional

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32
In the midst of Christ’s instructions regarding the things of this world, He interjects this assurance. How does the Kingdom deal  with fear?

1. It is exactly what we need. All of the resources of heaven are available to the follower of Jesus. God promises that we will never be desolate (Ps 34:22), and even in the midst of great trials, He is right there with us (Ps 46:1-3).

2. It changes our perspective. We no longer see ourselves as poor, but rich in Christ. It helps us to have a loose grip on the earthly, and to hold fast to that which will last forever (Col 3:1-3).

Don’t be afraid, child of God. An eternal kingdom, ruled by your loving Savior, surrounds you.

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