A Devotional by Pastor Terry Fischer
Eye Salve is a short devotional that Pastor Terry Fischer writes to challenge and encourage the saints of God. It is meant to be short and sweet and comes from his daily reading and prayer.

This May Be The Year

Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:” Mark 13:35

Happy New Year to you all. Well, another went by and the Lord did not come. One thing that can happen, especially as you get older is that you have seen many new year’s come and go. Then the word “watch” (present tense) loses its urgency. It could happen that in your heart you start saying, “I have been watching, but He still hasn’t come. I am no longer going to concern myself with His return.” So I want to say to you all, “WATCH, FOR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHEN YOUR MASTER COMES. THIS MAY BE THE YEAR.”

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