Watch Therefore Conference
Jonathan Skiles
Tuesday, July 23 6:30PM- Pillars for God
“Pillars don’t bow, pillars don’t bend, pillars don’t burn. So stand true to your convictions.” Jonathan Skiles
Pastor Jonathan Skiles delivers a stirring message about the Christian’s role as a pillar in God’s temple. Through personal anecdotes, biblical insights, and passionate exhortation, Skiles paints a vivid picture of what it means to stand strong in faith during challenging times.
Jonathan provides personal experiences seamlessly intertwine with scriptural truths, bringing to life the concept of unwavering faith and watchfulness for Christ’s return.
This sermon is not just about personal spiritual growth; it’s a rallying cry for the church to be a beacon of hope in a darkening world. Skiles challenges believers to resist the pressures of compromise and to remain steadfast in their convictions.
Whether you’re struggling with your faith, seeking inspiration, or desiring to deepen your walk with God, this message offers encouragement, practical insights, and a renewed perspective on the importance of spiritual steadfastness. Prepare to be moved, challenged, and inspired to become a pillar of faith in your own life and community.
Darrell Turner
Wednesday, July 24 6:30PM- The Lamb That Was Slain
“Real Christianity folks is about sacrifice. It is a giving of ourselves to the glory of God and to the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ. But it is also giving ourselves to one another.” Darrell Turner
This sermon focuses on the importance of shifting the focus of Christianity away from self-centeredness and back to Christ. Evangelist Darrell Turner emphasizes that modern Christianity has become too focused on personal needs, issues, and problems, rather than on glorifying Jesus Christ, “the Lamb that was slain.” He argues that this self-centered approach is contrary to true Christianity, which should be about sacrifice and giving oneself to God’s glory and to others.
Darrell criticizes the tendency in modern churches to cater to people’s personal issues and act as therapists rather than focusing on the message of Christ. He calls for a return to a Christ-centered faith where believers recognize that it’s not about them, but about Jesus receiving “the reward of His suffering.” The sermon also touches on the challenges and persecutions that true Christians may face, especially in the end times, and emphasizes the need to prepare the younger generation for these difficulties.
Darrell concludes by expressing his personal desire to be part of the end-time church that fulfills God’s eternal purpose and brings glory to the Lamb of God, even while acknowledging his own struggles with pride and self-centeredness.
Lee Shipp
Thursday, July 25 6:30PM-
Sodom is Burning in the Morning
“Sodom is burning in the morning and I want you to think about that in the context that the world is burning in the morning as there was prophesied to lot that God sent his messengers to him because they had come to destroy the city and they came to rescue Lot and everyone lot could get and save them from the destruction.” Lee Shipp
This sermon emphasizes the urgency of preparing for Christ’s return and the critical role of fathers in guiding their families spiritually. Drawing parallels between the imminent judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah and the potential rapture of the church, the speaker urges believers, especially fathers, to take their faith seriously and live it out daily. The sermon highlights the concept of grace as God’s empowering presence, rather than just forgiveness, and warns of a perceived spiritual decline in America, citing statistics about falling biblical worldviews among Christians and pastors. Lee stresses the importance of countering secular cultural influences on children with strong Christian teaching at home, emphasizing the significant impact fathers have on their children’s faith. Using Abraham’s intercessory prayer for Sodom as an example, the sermon encourages believers to live with urgency and engage in fervent prayer. It concludes with a call for fathers and grandfathers to recommit to their spiritual leadership roles, underscoring the need for a genuine, lived-out faith that permeates daily life and family dynamics in preparation for Christ’s return.
Jeremy Prochazka
Friday, July 26 6:30pm-
Repairing The Dung Gate
“You can’t carry that rejection forever. You can’t carry that fear all the time. You can’t carry that burden and that struggle and that worry and that anxiety. You can’t carry that because all it’s gonna do is weigh you down and everybody else around you.” Jeremy Prochazka
This sermon, delivered by Evangelist Jeremy Prochazka, focuses on the concept of the “dung gate” from the book of Nehemiah, using it as a metaphor for dealing with spiritual and personal burdens. Jeremey emphasizes the importance of regularly removing “rubbish” from one’s life, which can include sins, negative attitudes, fears, and other spiritual hindrances. He discusses how these burdens can accumulate over time, weighing people down and preventing them from fully experiencing God’s blessings and power.
Throughout the message, Jeremy urges the congregation to take action, encouraging them to bring their burdens to God, leave them at the altar, and experience spiritual freedom and renewal. He concludes with an altar call, inviting people to come forward and symbolically leave their burdens behind.
Jeremy Prochazka
Saturday, July 27 6:00pm-
A Furious Obedience
“God is about to pull you out of where you are so he can launch you into his divine purpose and everything you beam through till now is what has prepared you for that moment.” Jeremy Prochazka
This sermon, delivered by Brother Jeremy Prochazka, focuses on God’s purpose and plan for each individual’s life. The preacher emphasizes that God has chosen and anointed every person for a specific purpose, even if they don’t yet realize it. He uses the biblical story of Jehu to illustrate how God prepares people over time for their divine calling. The sermon covers three main points: The need to “stand up” and stop being complacent in one’s faith, The importance of being carried to the “inner chamber” for anointing and separation from worldly things, and The necessity of swift and furious obedience to God’s calling. Jeremy urges his listeners to agree with God’s thoughts about their lives, to seek His anointing, and to act decisively in fulfilling their purpose. He concludes by calling for immediate action and surrender to God’s will, emphasizing that the time is short and the enemy is weakened, creating an opportunity for victory and deliverance.
Terry Fischer
Sunday, July 28 10:00am-
The Two Kingdoms
“So both John and Jesus started their ministry, calling people to repent. And the reason he’s calling them to repent is because it is the means, it’s the avenue, it’s the way for them to get into the kingdom of God.” Terry Fischer
Pastor Terry’s sermon centered on the concept of two spiritual kingdoms: God’s Kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom. He emphasized that all people belong to one of these, with no middle ground. The sermon covered the call to repentance as entry into God’s kingdom, contrasted the rulers and characteristics of each kingdom, and stressed the importance of living distinctly as citizens of God’s kingdom. Pastor Terry highlighted the need for believers to actively bring others into God’s kingdom and warned against worldly attractions that can draw one towards Satan’s domain. He urged the congregation to fully commit to God’s kingdom, living in a way that demonstrates this commitment, and concluded with an altar call for people to settle in their hearts to walk solely in God’s kingdom.